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The Order of the Phoenix
Description: The Order of the Phoenix is one of the highest levels of recognition that an undergraduate member can receive. It can only be awarded to a member while he is still an undergraduate member. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding commitment and loyalty to the Fraternity by a collegiate brother. The recipient must have demonstrated outstanding service to the Fraternity on any level for an extended period of time.
The Order of the Lion Recipients
Description: The Order of the Lion recognizes outstanding commitment and loyalty to the Fraternity by an alumnus. The recipient must have demonstrated outstanding service to the Fraternity on any level for an extended period of time.
The Order of Minerva Recipients
Description: The Order of Minerva recognizes outstanding commitment and loyalty to the Fraternity by an alumnus over an extended period of time on various Fraternity levels. The recipient must have five years of significant service on the local, regional or national level or combination thereof in one or multiple positions (e.g. house corporation or alumni association officer, chapter advisory board, province officer OR long-term project, such as serving on an alumni commission). In addition, he already should have been awarded the Order of the Lion. This honor be recommended at any point in the alumnus’ career, even within five years of graduation, if the contribution was significant as described. This award is approved by the Eminent Supreme Recorder and may be presented by a Chapter Collegiate, alumni association, province or national officer.
Robert “Bo” Sederstrom, Arizona Gamma 1983, was awarded the Order of Minerva at Founder’s Day in Phoenix on March 18, 2024 by the SAE Foundation Board of Trustees
The Merit Key Recipients
Description: The second highest award an individual alumnus can receive, the Merit Key recognizes an alumnus who has demonstrated significant service and loyalty to the Fraternity on combined levels for an extended period of time. The nominee must have served ten years of sustained leadership in multiple positions (e.g. chapter adviser, alumni association officer, province officer and national committee member or Leadership School faculty.) However, if the service has been truly extraordinary, the strict tensignificant contribution on national, regional and local levels. In addition, he already should have received the Order of the Lion and Order of Minerva. The award is approved by the Supreme Council and is presented by a Supreme Council member or his designee.
Thomas Lamantia, Arizona Alpha, (3rd from right) was awarded the Order of Minerva by the SAE Foundation during Founder’s Day celebration in Phoenix on March 18 2024. L-R, Dean Morell (OR Alpha), ESWarden-Joe Richey (PA A-Z), Henry Beattie (MS Theta), SAE Foundation CEO-Steve Mitchell (IN Gamma), Thomas Lamantia (AZ Alpha), DSA recipient-Curtis Frasier (AZ Beta), and Stan Strom, (AZ Beta)
Stan Strom, Arizona Beta ‘82
The Merit Key, Order of Minerva, Order of the Lion, Order of the Phoenix
The Distinguished Service Award Recipients
Recognizing a lifetime of service and loyalty to the Fraternity, the Distinguished Service Award is the highest individual award a member may receive. Recipients receive a Coat-of-arms emblazoned on a gold diamond-shaped medallion supported by a gold and purple ribbon worn around the neck. Recipient also receives a diamond-shaped pin depicting the coat-of-arms in the center, the letters “DSA” in reverse at the bottom and a diamond set at the top that is customarily worn on a coat lapel.
Requirements for the award are outstanding loyalty and dedication to the Fraternity for many years that distinguishes him as a member deserving recognition above all others. His actions exhibit their understanding of the Fraternity’s teachings, adherence to Fraternity Laws, attention to the promotion of its welfare and exemplary conduct that guards well its honor and high standing.
Nominations are made, approved and presented by the Supreme Council.
Curtis Frasier, Arizona Beta ‘76
Distinguished Service Award Recipient
The Highest Effort Recipients
Description: The Highest Effort Award recognizes the member who, through his professional success, has brought positive recognition to the Fraternity. By their example and achievement, recipients of this award exemplify the ideals of the Fraternity and “The True Gentleman.” The nominee must have made a significant contribution to various professional fields that brought positive recognition to the Fraternity. However, this honor does not require direct volunteer service to the Fraternity. Nominations are made by an individual or any governing body of the Fraternity in one of the following fields: Arts, Athletics, Business, Communications/Journalism, Community Service/Philanthropy, Education, Law, Medicine, Military/Government, Science/Technology. This award is approved by the Eminent Supreme Recorder and may be presented at appropriate times by the person or group making the nomination.
Don Budinger, Arizona Alpha
The Highest Effort Award - Science & Technology/Philantropy
Powell B. “Gil” Gillenwater, AZ Beta ‘76
THE Awarad - Philanthropics & Community Service
Dr. Brad Pasternak, New York Omega, Binghamton University
The Highest Effort Award in Medicine, March 9, 2023
Description: The Order of DeVotie is presented to an collegiate or alumni member for recognition of proficiency in the Ritual of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. This does not necessarily require memorization of the Fraternity’s Ritual. This honor encourages undergraduate participation and excellence in the use of our Ritual at all appropriate occasions as well as to recognize alumni members for their volunteer service and commitment to promote proper usage of our Ritual at the chapter level. Consideration for the award shall be given upon proper nomination for the award.
Mike Donahoe, Sr. (OK Kappa ‘62) was presented the Order of Devotie in November, 2023 for his loyal participation of the hanger for AZ Beta initiations.
Description: Established in 2022, the Bill Wienke Distinguished Alumnus Award was named and created in honor of our most senior director of the association who exemplified the True Gentleman during his years of service to our association. It will be presented to a single alumnus member at Founder’s Day to recognize him as the most outstanding alumnus of the SAE-Phoenix Alumni, Inc. It honors an alumni member for his volunteer service and commitment over a long period of time to our mission. The recipient is presented with an SAE watch and certificate.
Brother Mike Donahoe, Sr. (OK Kappa ‘62) (pictured in center) was the recipient of the Bill Wienke Distinguished Alumnus Award at Founder’s Day, March 2024.