169th Anniversary SAE Founder's Day 2025

Over 100 Valley area SAE alumni and undergraduates ASU, U of A and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University including the 2024 Eminent Archon of the Year from AZ Beta and scholarship recipients attended the dinner at Papago Golf Resort.

Speakers included two Supreme Council members, Jim Skaggs (OK MU) and Joe Richey (PA A-Z), along with new CEO and ESR Steve Mitchell (IN GA) and Foundation CEO Tom Kilian (IN EP).

Annual Luncheon at The University Club of Phoenix

Over thirty brothers, alumni and actives, attended the annual SAE luncheon at the University Club of Phoenix. A panel discussion of “Banking After the Election” featured Bob Cummings, Nebraska Lambda-Pi (University of Nebraska Lincoln), Sr. Vice President PNC Bank and Dillan Knudson, North Dakota Beta (North Dakota State University), Chief Credit Officer Western Alliance Bank moderated by Bo Sederstrom, Arizona Gamma, Northern Arizona University.

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott (Arizona Delta) participates in NMDP registry

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott (Arizona Delta) have day of service sharing more about NMDP, their mission, and the patients served. They are another chapter that showcases the true meaning of brotherhood in encouraging growth through education and learning how to talk and share more about NMDP on their campus. Sean, their philanthropy chair, did a great job in coordinating logistics for this event through precise communication, coordinating an educational training, and making sure the event location was secure on campus. All their members attended, and they made sure to have at least 4 – 5 volunteers present at all times during the event. From their efforts, in hosting a one-day event on campus, they were able to add 64 more potential donors to the NMDP registry.

Initiation of AZ Beta 2024

Brother Mike Donahoe, Sr. (OK Kappa) provided his hanger and let the members tour inside the  Gulfstream jet.  Further, he gave one of the most impactful speeches to the chapter about why ritual has been so important 64 years after he took the oath as an SAE.

These are wonderful young men we are all working with around the realm.  Let’s always remember that. Thank you for all being part of the team as we mentor the stray cats and dogs at times. 

A BIG congratulations are in order for the Arizona Alpha chapter. A donor who joined the NMDP Registry at their event donated healthy cells to a patient in need.

A BIG congratulations are in order for the Arizona Alpha chapter. A donor who joined the NMDP Registry at an event they hosted in Tucson last fall went on to donate their healthy cells to a patient in need and provide them with a second chance at life.  

This is the SECOND donor this year that has joined from their efforts on the U of A campus to spread awareness and educate their classmates and peers on the need for donors and encourage them to join the registry as a committed member who may end up being a lifesaver to a patient in need. 

Arizona Alpha was also the winner of the SAE NMDP Chapter Challenge, tallying more points than any other chapter across the realm, and they are once again off to a strong start this year. Keep up the great work, guys! It is making a difference, and will continue to!

SAE Phoenix Alumni Association wins Bill Fiscus Outstanding Alumni Association of the Year Award 2019

Applicant Information

Name of Alumni Association: PHOENIX SAE ALUMNI, INC.

Full Name of Submitter: Stan C Strom

Position in Alumni Association: Vice President

Phone Number: 480-225-7372

E-mail of Submitter: stanstrom@yahoo.com

Website of Alumni Association: https://www.SAEPhoenix.org


Briefly describe your alumni association, including its goals, officer/committee duties, events/activities and communications.

Alumni Awards: Bill Fiscus Outstanding Area Alumni Association Award Deadline : May 20 2019 at 11:59 PM CDT (Midnight)

Applicant Information

The SAE Phoenix Alumni, Inc. was the Runner-up in 2018 for the Bill Fiscus Outstanding Area Alumni Association which inspired our group to continue its involvement. Please see our website to get the full picture of our events, communication, awards, scholarships, etc. Phoenix is home to nearly 2,800 SAE alumni from over 221 different chapters. Due to the "do not call" lists, we have 807 alumni who have opted in full time.

After hosting the 1997 SAE National Convention, the local alumni retreated to more of a local ASU chapter alumni association. In 2015, an energetic group of alumni lead by Joe Laux (AZ Beta) and Tom Healy (OH Gamma) re-chartered the SAE Phoenix Alumni, Inc. to focus on all chapters in Province Upsilon as well as alumni from every SAE chapter represented in metro Phoenix.

Today, our Alumni Association controls nearly $200,000 in investments which we use for scholarships and awards locally. Due to financial management/investment policy, there are no more alumni dues. Each of our monthly events operate on a break-even basis with fees only charged for the breakfast, lunch or event cost.

We have 11 board of directors who attend our monthly meetings where attendance is required and detailed minutes taken and distributed before and after every event. Directors are elected to 2-year terms with staggering terms for consistent leadership. The Board then elects its officers for 2-year terms with President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer. A separate Investment Committee oversees the $200,000 investment account, all CPAs & CFPs.

This past year, we held twelve monthly events that were advertised through Eventbrite, A-weber and direct email solicitation. We are now using different targeted approaches to alumni from other chapters to encourage their participation. Each event was posted on our calendar with notification to alumni and undergrads at least 30 days prior to the event and follow-up at 15 days and 7 days before as a means of improving attendance and communication. We hired an outside assistant at $400/mo just to keep these notices updated and consistent before bringing it in-house through the website.

January 11 WINGS & BASKETBALL (Tempe)


March 9 FOUNDERS DAY at The Capital Grill (WILL GRIMSLEY, Speaker)

April 14 VISIT AZ DE (Prescott) (Bo Sedarstrom, Bill Wienke & Mike Donahoe)










Briefly describe how the area alumni association is involved with local undergraduate chapters.

The SAE National Staff called upon the Phoenix Alumni to assist in the re-colonization efforts of Arizona Beta after it was closed in 2013. Local alumni were instrumental in working with the colony starting in the spring, 2017 through its rechartering in February, 2019. Most alumni were from chapters outside Arizona Beta.

The Arizona Beta Colony was awarded the Most Outstanding Colony in 2018 and we believe a good part of its success was due to our alumni guidance. We reached out to the Arizona Alpha chapter but had little success in 2018. Eventually, that chapter was closed but our SAE Phoenix Alumni will be instrumental in re-colonizing it in four years.

We have been very involved with the Arizona Delta chapter in Prescott (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University) as well. Trips were made there twice last year by alumni to attend chapter functions and provide encourangement. The SAE Phoenix Alumni bought tickets for a table of eight at the 2018 Leadership School Final Banquet here in Phoenix. It was there that we witnessed our local chapters (AZ Delta) get nationally recognized as Most Improved Chapter and AZ Beta Colony for Most Outstanding Colony awards.

All undergraduates are encouraged to attend our Alumni events which are usually provided for free or discounted due to donations by our generous alumni. Specifically, Founder's Day, ASU Basketball and the Golf Tournament always have at least four paid admissions for the undergraduates.

In 2018, the SAE Phoenix Alumni provided scholarships to undergrads at AZ Beta and AZ Delta in the amount of $3,000. Further, the SAE Phoenix Alumnni provided $5000 towards furniture in the new chapter house. In addition, we paid for the $3000 chartering fee for the colony (to assist with ritual robes) and have provided scholarships to Leadership School and the Ritual Institute.

More importantly, our association has encouraged the True Gentleman and use of ritual at all SAE events. We have made an application for "special event" that featured our involvement in the model AZ Beta Chapter Initiation and Installation that occured on Feb 16, 2019. It included SAE initiates ranging in age from 19 - 81 years and had over 21 different SAE chapters represented.

Our website now features detailed text and photos of all events for the past four years as well as current news, calendars, photos, and promotions for both alumni and local chapters.

We have tried to promote events that encourage support with the local chapter. For instance, we hosted the 2nd Annual ASU vs UA Basketball game in January and invited alumni from both schools along with the chapter. It was a hugely successful event.

This year we took interest in career development and provided letters of recommendation for undergrads to apply for scholarships. Four outstanding undergraduates from Arizona chapters were among the winners in 2018-19 including Mark Martin (Charles Collins $2000),Thomas Jenson (Richard Generelly Leadership Award $2000), and Bryon Moradshahi, Trustees Award for Scholarship and Service $2000).

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